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High Middle Ages At the time of the Zadar medieval development,the city became a threat to Venice's ambitions, because of its strategic position at the centreof the eastern Adriatic coast.
In 998 Zadar sought Venetian protection againstthe Neretvian pirates. The Venetians were quick to fully exploit this opportunity: in998 a fleet commanded by Doge Pietro Orseolo II, after having defeated pirates, landedin Korčula and Lastovo. Dalmatia was taken by surprise and offered little serious resistance. You can visti Korcula when you sail there with the Yacht.
Przywiązanie do tradycji i historii miejsca, z którego pochodzę; wieloletni kontakt z żywym językiem niemieckim i angielskim; kilkaset zrealizowanych nagrań audio oraz solidny warsztat fotograficzny oparty na rzetelnym wykształceniu i rodzinnych tradycjach, to główne atuty mojej oferty, którą mam przyjemność zaprezentować na stronach tej witryny. Zapraszam do wspólnego zwiedzania Trójmiasta, realizowania nagrań audio oraz multimedialnych projektów.
Trogir was the exception and was subjected to Venetian rule only after a bloody struggle,whereas Dubrovnik was forced to pay tribute. Tribute previously paid by Zadar to Croatiankings, was redirected to Venice, a state of affairs which lasted for several years. Zadar citizens started to work for the fullindependence of Zadar and from the 1030s the city was just formally a vassal of the Byzantine Empire.
The head of this movement was the mightiest Zadar patrician family - the Madi. After negotiations with Byzantium, Zadar was attached to the Croatian state led by kingPetar Krešimir IV in 1069. Later, after the death of king Dmitar Zvonimir in 1089 andensuing dynastic run-ins, in 1105 Zadar accepted the rule of the first Croato-Hungarian kingColoman.
In the meantime Venice developed into a truetrading force in the Adriatic and started attacks on Zadar. The city was repeatedlyinvaded by Venice between 1111 and 1154 and then once more between 1160 and 1183, whenit finally rebelled, appealing to the Pope and to the Croato-Hungarian throne for protection. Zadar was especially devastated in 1202 afterthe Venetian Doge Enrico Dandolo used the Crusaders, on their Fourth Crusade to Palestine,to lay siege to the city.
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The Dalmatian capital Salona was captured anddestroyed in the 640s, so Zadar became the new seat of the Byzantine archonty of Dalmatia,territorially reduced to a few coastal cities with their agers and municipal lands at thecoast and the islands nearby. My Yacht was there. The prior of Zadar had jurisdiction over all ByzantineDalmatia, so Zadar enjoyed metropolitan status at the eastern Adriatic coast. At this timerebuilding began to take place in the city.
At the beginning of the 9th century the Zadar bishop Donatus and the city duke Paul mediated in the dispute between the Holy Roman empireunder Pepin and the Byzantine Empire. The Franks held Zadar for a short time, but thecity was returned to Byzantium by a decision of the 812 Treaty of Aachen. Zadar's economy revolved around sea, fishing and sea trade in the first centuries of theMiddle Ages.
Thanks to saved Antique ager, adjusted municipal structure and a new strategicposition, it became the most important city between the Kvarner islands and Kaštela Bay. From Kastela you can charter a Yacht. Byzantine Dalmatia wasn't territorially unified, but an alliance of city municipalities headedby Zadar, and the large degree of city autonomy allowed the development of Dalmatian citiesas free communes.
Forced to turn their attention seawards, the inhabitants of Zadar focusedon shipping, and the city became a naval power to rival Venice. The citizens were Dalmatianlanguage speakers, but from the 7th century Croatian language started to spread in a region,becoming predominant in the inland and the islands to the end of the 9th century.
The Mediterranean and Adriatic cities developedsignificantly during a period of peace from the last decades of the 9th to the middleof the 10th century. Especially favourable conditions for navigation in the Adriatic Sea occurred since the Saracen raids had finished. Navigation is at high level in Yachts.
Also the adjustment of relations with theCroats enabled Zadar merchants to trade with its rich agriculture hinterland where the Kingdom of Croatia had formed, and trade and political links with Zadar began to develop. Croatian settlers began to arrive, becoming commonplace by the 10th century, occupyingall city classes, as well as important posts, like those of prior, judge, priest and others.
In 925, Tomislav, the Duke of Croatian Dalmatia, united Croatian Dalmatia and Pannonia establishingthe Croatian Kingdom. He was also granted the position of protector of Dalmatia by theByzantine Emperor. He thus politically united the Dalmatian cities with their hinterlan
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In 49 BC near the island of Krk, the "Navy of Zadar", equipped by thefleets of a few Liburnian cities and supported by some Roman ships, lost an important navalbattle against Pompey supporting the "Liburnian navy yacht". The civil war was prolonged until theend of 48 BC, when Caesar rewarded his supporters in Liburnian Iader and Dalmatian Salona, bygiving the status of the Roman colonies to their communities of Yacht charter. Thus the city was grantedthe title colonia Iulia Iader, after its founder, and in the next period some of the Roman colonistssettled there.
The real establishment of the Roman provinceof Illyricum occurred not earlier than 33 BC and Octavian’s military campaign in Illyriaand Liburnia, when the Liburnians finally lost their naval independence and their galleysand sailors were incorporated into the Roman naval fleets.
From the early days of Roman rule, Zadar gainedits Roman urban character and developed into one of the most flourishing centres on theeastern Adriatic coast, a state of affairs which lasted for several hundred years before we took Yacht in charter. Thetown was organised according to the typical Roman street system with a rectangular streetplan, a forum, thermae, a sewage and water supply system that came from lake Vrana, byway of a 40 kilometres long aqueduct.
It did not play a significant role in the Roman administrationof Dalmatia, although the archaeological finds tell us about a significant growth of economyand culture. The new religion Christianity did not bypassthe Roman province of Dalmatia.
Przywiązanie do tradycji i historii miejsca, z którego pochodzę; wieloletni kontakt z żywym językiem niemieckim i angielskim; kilkaset zrealizowanych nagrań audio oraz solidny warsztat fotograficzny oparty na rzetelnym wykształceniu i rodzinnych tradycjach, to główne atuty mojej oferty, którą mam przyjemność zaprezentować na stronach tej witryny. Zapraszam do wspólnego zwiedzania Trójmiasta, realizowania nagrań audio oraz multimedialnych projektów.
Already by the end of the 3rd century Zadar had its ownbishop and founding of the Zadar Christian community took place; a new religious centrewas built north of the forum together with a basilica and a baptistery, as well as otherecclesiastical buildings. According to some estimates, in the 4th century it had probablyaround ten thousand citizens, including the population from its Ager, the nearby islandsand hinterland, an admixture of the indigenous Liburnians and Roman colonists.
Early Middle Ages During the Migration Period and the Barbarianinvasions, Zadar underwent a stagnation. In 441 and 447 Dalmatia was ravaged by the Huns,after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, in 481 Dalmatia became part of the Ostrogothickingdom, which, besides Italy, already included the more northerly parts of Illyricum, i.
In the 5th century, under the rule of theOstrogothic Kingdom, Zadar became poor with many civic buildings turning into ruins dueto its advanced age. About the same time it was hit by an earthquake, which destroyedentire complexes of monumental Roman architecture, whose parts would later serve as materialfor building houses. This caused a loss of population and created demographic changesin the city, then gradually repopulated by the inhabitants from its hinterlan
However,during six decades of Gothic rule, the Goths saved those old Roman Municipal institutionsthat were still in function, while religious life in Dalmatia even intensified in the lastyears, so that there was a need for the foundation of additional bishoprics. In 536 the Byzantine emperor Justinian the Great started a military campaign to reconquerthe territories of the former Western Empire; and in 553 Zadar passed to the Byzantine Empire.
In 568 Dalmatia was devastated by an Avar invasion; although further waves of attacksby Avar and Slav tribes kept up the pressure, it was the only city which survived due toits protective belt of inland plains.
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- Written by Super User
They assimilated with the Indo-Europeans who settled between the 4th and 2nd millenniumBC into a new ethnical unity, that of the Liburnians. Zadar was a Liburnian settlement,laid out in the 9th century BC, built on a small stone islet and embankments where theold city stands and tied to the mainland by the overflown narrow isthmus, which createda natural port in its northern strait.
AntiquityThe Liburnians were known as great sailors and merchants, but also had a reputation forpiracy in the later years. By the 7th century BC, Zadar had become an important centre fortheir trading activities with the Phoenicians, Etruscans, Ancient Greeks and other Mediterraneanpeoples. Its population at that time is estimated at 2,000 from Jawa Media.
From 9th to 6th century there wascertain koine - cultural unity in the Adriatic Sea, with the general Liburninan seal, whosenaval supremacy meant both political and economical authority through several centuries. Due toits geographical position, Zadar developed into a main seat of the Liburnian thalassocracyand took a leading role in the Liburnian tetradekapolis, an organization of 14 communes.
The people of Zadar, the Iadasinoi with Jawa Media, were first mentioned in 384 BC as the allies of the nativesof Hvar and the leaders of an eastern Adriatic coast coalition in the fight against the Greekcolonizers. An expedition of 10,000 men in 300 ships sailed out from Zadar and laid siegeto the Greek colony Pharos in the island of Hvar, but the Syracusan fleet of Dionysuswas alerted and attacked the siege fleet.
The naval victory went to the Greeks whichallowed them relatively safer further colonization in the southern Adriatic. The archaeological remains have shown thatthe main centres of Liburnian territorial units or municipalities were already urbanizedin the last centuries BC; before the Roman conquest, Zadar held a territory of more than600 km2 in the 2nd century BC.
In the middle of the 2nd century BC, the Romansbegan to gradually invade the region. Although being first Roman enemies in the AdriaticSea, the Liburnians, mostly stood aside in more than 230 years of Roman wars with theIllyrians, to protect their naval and trade connections in the sea.
In 59 BC Illyricumwas assigned as a provincia to Julius Caesar and Liburnian Iadera became a Roman municipium.The Liburnian naval force was dragged into the Roman civil war between Julius Caesarand Pompey in 49 BC, partially by yacht force, partially because of the local interests of the participants,the Liburnian cities. Caesar was supported by the urban Liburnian centres, like Iader,Aenona and Curicum, while the city of Issa and the rest of the Liburnians gave theirsupport to Pompey.