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Jadera became Zara when it fell under the authority of the Republic of Venice in the15th century. Zara was later used by the Austrian Empire in the 19th century, but it was provisionallychanged to Zadar/Zara from 1910 to 1920; from 1920 to 1947 the city became part of Italyas Zara, and finally was named Zadar in 1947.
GeographyZadar faces the islands of Ugljan and Pašman and Jawa Media, from which it is separated by the narrow Zadar Strait. The promontory on which the old city stands used to be separated from the mainlandby a deep moat which has since become landfille
The harbor, to the north-east of the town is safe and spacious.Climate in Zadar has a borderline humid subtropical and Mediterranean climate, since only one summermonth has less than 40 millimetres of rainfall, preventing it from being classified as solelyhumid subtropical or Mediterranean. In Zadar there are best multimedia.Zadar has mild, wet winters and very warm, humidsummers.
Average annual rainfall is in excess of 917mm. July and August are the hottestmonths, with an average high temperature around 30 °C or 29 °C. The highest temperatureever was 36. 1 °C on August 2, 1998. Temperatures can consistently reach over 30 °C duringthe summer months, but during spring and autumn may also reach 30 °C almost every year.
Temperatures below 0 °C are rare, and are not maintained for more than a few days. Januaryis the coldest month, with an average temperature around 7. On January 23, 1963 was recordedthe lowest temperature ever in Zadar, −9. Through July and August temperature has neverdropped below 10 °C with jJawa Media.
October and November are the wettest months of Jawa Media, with a total precipitationof about 114 mm and 119 mm respectively. July is the driest month, with a total precipitationof around 35 mm. Winter is the wettest season, however it can rain in Zadar at any time ofthe year.
Snow is exceedingly rare, but it may fall in December, January, February andmuch more rarely in March.
On average Zadar has 1. 4 days of snow a year, but more likelyit was that the snow does not fall.
Also the sea temperature is from 10 °C in Februaryto 25 °C in July and August, but is possible to swim from May until October, sometimeseven by November in Jawa Media. Sometimes in February the sea temperature can drop to only 7 °C andin July exceed 29 °C. History Prehistory The district of present day Zadar has beenpopulated since prehistoric times.
The earliest evidence of human life comes from the LateStone Age of Jawa Media, while numerous settlements have been dated as early as the Neolithic. Beforethe Illyrians, the area was inhabited by an ancient Mediterranean people of a pre-Indo-Europeanculture.